
School-based programs help provide educational support, training and/or supervision for youth where academic and/or behavioral problems originated in the school setting.  There are four types of school-based programs: After School, Alternative School, School Interventionist, and School Resource Officers.

After-school programs provide activities during the summer and after-school time frames to give youth a place to be engaged in constructive activity in order to reduce juvenile crime.  This can include tutoring services or other educational support for youth.

Alternative Schools focus on youth who have been expelled or suspended form their home school system to provide academic enrichment to the youth.  This helps youth earn credits while waiting to return to school so they don’t fall behind in school work, grades, and can graduate in a timely manner.

School Interventionists identify and coordinate behavioral or academic intervention for a student.  Youth can be referred to the school interventionist for attendance issues, poor grades, lack of engagement, behavior issues, etc.  The intervention process includes clearly identifying the problem, selecting a strategy to address the problem, and measuring the effectiveness of the strategy.  The intervention can include other supports for the youth within the school or community.

School Resource Officers are career law enforcement officers, with sworn authority, who are assigned by the local law enforcement agency to work in collaboration with school and community-based organizations.  The officer is on school campus and youth can be referred to the program for criminal activity, behavior problems, and/or academic issues.


Training Videos

Update to Contacts Tab - Interventionist Screens

This video looks at an update to the field "Intervention Attempted" in the Contacts tab of the School-based Interventionist screens in the JCMS.  This used to be a narrative/free text field, and it is now a drop-down menu.

Afterschool Activity

This video goes over the steps to add activities to the activity tab created in the on the Afterschool screens in the JCMS in January 2019.

Entering SRO and Interventionist Contacts

This video goes over how to create contact tabs in JCMS to document the contact with youth working with school resource officers and interventionists.

Entering After School and Alternative School Attendance

This video goes over how to create attendance tabs in JCMS to document the youth's attendance in after school and alternative school programs.

Update July 2018 - Contacts and Attendance

This video reviews an update to the School-based screens in the JCMS which was completed in July 2018.  This update added a field to track number of occurrences in the attendance tabs for After School and Alternative School programs, and the number of occurrences in the contacts tabs on the Interventionist and School Resource officer screens.