The Juvenile Case Management System (JCMS) Training Videos
Training Videos and Webinars cover the following topics:
JCMS Training Videos (Including trainings on general use/data entry, using JCMS reports, and program-specific trainings)
If you have any questions, comments, or notice an error on the forms, please contact the Juvenile Justice Institute.
Program Design & Evaluation Webinars
Program Logic Models
March 2023
Diversion and Truancy Logic Model Examples (word document download)
Program Design and Program Variables Discussion
January 2023
JCMS Training Videos
General JCMS
User Trainings
These trainings cover data entry and use of the JCMS that apply to all or many program types. Program-specific videos are provided below.
JCMS New User Training 7/20/2021. This video is a training for programs new to reporting in the JCMS that covers the basics of data entry in the JCMS including entering youth data, creating narratives, and how to find existing training videos and other resources.
Data Entry in JCMS - Intake Fields
This video will discuss data entry in JCMS as it pertains to the common fields across program types (address, school name, etc), including what a field turning red means, how to know that your data is saving if there is no save or submit button, and other frequently asked questions about JCMS data entry. This video is not program specific, meaning the information can be applied to all program types.
This video talks about required variables and how the JCMS has these marked - asterisks and fields that turn red if not completed. A list of the required variables can be found here at the Crime Commission’s website.
This video looks at the client id field added to the JCMS - the client id is a unique number assigned to a client by the JCMS when the client is created. It is now visible and searchable (cannot be edited) which will allow for easier communication between programs, JJI, and the Crime Commission regarding specific cases and data questions.
Age Validation Pop-up. There is a warning box that will now pop up if the date of birth and date of referral result in an age older than 25 or younger than 6 years old. This is to help catch the typos that often wind up making youth appear as being 0 or 1 in the database.
Gender Field Options - Updated. This video discusses the change to the option on the gender field in the client section of the JCMS in June 2021. We add the options "non-binary" to accommodate youth who don't identify as male or female, and "prefer not to say" for those who do not want to provide this information.
This video looks at an update to the scores tabs on the following screens: Truancy, Family Support, Mental Health, Diversion, Electronic Monitor, Tracker Services, Reporting Center, and Shelter. There was a field added so that programs could indicate if a youth was assessed or not while in the program, or if they refused, to help clarify why some scores information is not entered for youth while it is for others.
EB-NE Assessment Tool Tracking in the JCMS. This video looks at the new fields in the JCMS screens for the program types Mental Health, Promotion/Prevention, Mentoring, School Interventionists, and After School to track the EB-NE Assessment tool. (These tools are only required for prevention and promotion programs since July 1, 2024)
Boys Town and JJI Assessment Tool Training - August 2020. This video covers information about measuring pre and post changes for CBA-funded programs using a tool developed by Boys Town and the JJI. The PDF after this link contains frequently asked questionsabout this new tool.
Domains for NYS and Arizona Assessment Tools. This video looks at the addition of subscales to the NYS and Arizona Assessment tools in the JCMS scores/assessment tabs This will help with evaluation of case plans and programming based on the risk-need-responsivity model. This will impact Diversion and Assessment program types.
UPDATE On May 20, 2021 the NYS and Arizona Assessments were updated to include the domain each question speaks to (substance use, peer relationships, etc.) to make it easier to case plan based on assessment outcomes.
This video reviews the steps to discharge a youth in the JCMS and explains the importance of providing the discharge date and reason.
This video looks at the search screens in the JCMS and the change from using "Intake Date" to "Referral Date" on the screens.
Using Wildcards to Search for Hyphenated Names
This video goes over the user of wildcards (*) to search in the JCMS. A change was made to the system on May 21, 2018, which uses the wildcard to help search for hyphenated last names. Previously, typing in the second name in the hyphenated name would not pull the youth into the search results. Now, placing a wildcard before or after the second name will bring the youth into the search results.
Sorting in the JCMS Search Screens
This video reviews the JCMS search screen and some changes made to the search screen on May 21, 2018. These changes are the addition of the enrollment date field being available on the search screen, and a bug with the sorting function being resolved. Users can now sort by name, program type, date of birth, enrollment date, intake date, and discharge date.
Returning Clients in the JCMS (video).
There is a change in the JCMS on how to enter youth who are returning to a program a subsequent time. Previously there had been an "Add Case to the Client" function but this has been removed, so a new process is in place which is detailed in this video.
JCMS Reports Trainings
These training videos describe how to pull reports from JCMS and how to use excel to review the reports.
Missing Data Report User Guide.
This user guide for missing data reports explains what the reports are and why we send them out. It answers frequently-asked questions and shows how to read the reports using screenshots.
This video reviews the steps to run Currently Open, Currently Closed, and Case Summary by Date reports in JCMS and how to download them to Excel spreadsheets.
Demographics Report for County Leads
This video goes over the Demographic Report for County Leads that was added to the JCMS in March 2019 - the steps to pull the report from the system, and what data you can expect to see in the report.
Certifying Data for County/Tribe Leads
This video goes over the steps for county/tribe leads to certify the aggregate referral and discharge data for all programs funded under their county/tribe CBA grant.
This video reviews the steps to use Excel spreadsheets to review reports downloaded from JCMS.
Pivot Tables in Excel from Reports
This video reviews the steps to use downloaded reports from JCMS to create pivot tables in order to help manage data.
Program Specific JCMS Trainings
The sections below are organized by program types. Videos in each section walkthrough how to use JCMS and the fields designated for each particular program type.
JCMS required variables were updated in December 2023. The following videos walkthrough how to enter a case for each program type, covering which fields are required.
Crisis Respite
Electronic Monitoring
Crisis Response
Family Support
Additional Program-specific Videos:
Electronic Monitor Contact Tab
This video looks at the contact tab that was added to the Electronic Monitor screens in the JCMS, and reviews the different fields and how to enter the information.
Update January 2019 - Electronic Monitor, Tracker Services, Shelter Care, Reporting Center
This video looks at the three new tabs added to ATD screens (Electronic Monitor, Tracker Services, Shelter Care, and Reporting Centers) to capture court hearings and attendance, objectives of the programs, and current charges.
JCMS Training - Electronic Monitoring: Monitors, Scores, UA Screens, and Incentives
This video reviews data entry in the tabs on the Electronic Monitor screens in JCMS for monitors, scores, UA screens, and incentives.
JCMS Training - Reporting Center: Contacts, Classes, Scores, UA Screens, and Incentives
This video reviews data entry in the tabs on the Reporting Centers screens in JCMS for contacts, classes, scores, UA screens, and incentives.
JCMS Training - Shelter: Scores, UA Screens, and Incentives
This video reviews data entry in the tabs on the Shelter screens in JCMS for scores, UA screens, and incentives.
JCMS Training - Tracking Services: Contacts, Scores, UA Screens, and Incentives
This video reviews data entry in the tabs on the Tracking Services screens in JCMS for contacts, scores, UA screens, and incentives.
ATD case transitions after court hearing
This video goes over the steps to track a youth on an ATD program when the goal of getting the youth to court without a new law violation is successful, and at the court hearing the judge continues the services. This changes the referral source, the intended outcome, and the length of the service, and should be tracked on different tabs in the JCMS.
Update July 2018 - Tracker and Reporting Center Contacts
This video reviews an update to the Tracker and Reporting Center screens added to the JCMS in July 2018. This update created a begin date and end date field for capturing contact with youth and families to allow for programs to aggregate contact information rather than entering each individual contact.
Update January 2019 - Referrals Tab
This video looks at the update to the referrals tabs on the assessment and referral services screens with the addition of the "referral made" field to help indicate if a referral was made or not after meeting with/assessing the youth.
Update January 2019 - Discharge Reason in Referral Services Screens
This video looks at the discharge reason field that was added to the Referral Services screens in late 2018. This field will help JJI know if the program was able to meet with and provide a referral to the youth who had been referred to their services which can help when looking at future system involvement. This is not the same as a referral outcome, which is already captured on the screens.
This video looks at the new discharge section and discharge fields on the assessment screen in the JCMS added to the system September 28, 2018.
Administrative Functions for Assessment and Referral Service Programs
This short video will explain how Assessment and Referral Service programs can select the assessment types and services referred out to in their programs from a list available in the JCMS. This will allow the "assessment type" and "referred to" fields to be customized to specific programs.
This video reviews the steps to add data to the Charges, Contact Attempts, Assessments, and Referrals tabs in the JCMS on the Assessment screens.
This video reviews the steps for adding Charges and Referrals to the Referral Services screens in the JCMS.
Tracking Youth Who Return to Assessment and Referral Service Programs
This video discusses how to enter data in the JCMS for youth who return to Assessment centers/programs and Referral Service programs more than once.
Crisis Respite Referral Tab Update
In October 2019, a change was made to the Referrals tab on the Crisis Respite screens in the JCMS. This video discusses the change - adding a drop-down field to indicate the results of the referral.
Crisis Response Updates to Follow-Up and Referral Tabs
In October 2019, changes were made to the follow-up and referrals tabs on the Crisis Response screens in the JCMS. This video discusses those changes. On the follow-up tab, a new field was added to indicate if the follow-up was successful or not, and on the referral tab, a new field was added to indicate the result of the referral.
JCMS Training - Crisis Respite: Referral Tab
This video reviews the steps to add referral information to the Crisis Respite screens in the JCMS.
JCMS Training - Crisis Response: Follow-up and Referrals
This video reviews the steps to add follow-up and referral information to the Crisis Response screens in the JCMS.
This video looks at an update to the Diversion screens in the JCMS that will take effect in July 2020 - the creation of a new Diversion Case Plan tab. This new tab is based in Risk-Needs-Responsivity, or matching the youth's risk and needs as discovered through assessment/screening to services that will benefit them the most.
This video goes over the reports in the JCMS that are currently only accessible to diversion programs. There are a total of 12 reports in the JCMS briefly discussed in the video.
Administrative Functions for Diversion Programs
This video will review the different functions under the administrative tab in JCMS for diversion programs - setting the diversion office point of contact, drug tests, creating case plans, and selecting the assessments administered to the youth in the program.
Deleting Cases and Profiles in the JCMS
This video goes over the steps to delete incorrectly entered case types from youth profiles in the JCMS, and the steps to delete a youth profile in the JCMS. Profiles should only be deleted if they are a duplicate youth in the system or were entered in error. Case types should only be deleted if they were incorrectly selected from the menu (you intended to select a different program type from the menu). If you are not sure if a case or profile should be deleted from the JCMS, please contact JJI.
Diversion Tabs - Adding Information under the tabs in Diversion Screens
This video will review the steps to add parent/guardian, charges, scores, diversion contract, diversion activity, alcohol/drug tests, and alias names to the JCMS in the diversion screens.
Update July 2018 - Crossover Youth
This video reviews an update to the Diversion screens added to the JCMS in July 2018. This update created a box to indicate if the youth being served is a Crossover youth, or a youth involved in both the juvenile justice system and the child welfare system.
Adding Assessment Types to Family Support Screens
This video reviews the steps to select assessment tools being used by individual programs to be populated into the scores tab on the Family Support screens in the JCMS. This process is the same for diversion, mental health, and assessment programs, but is a new feature to the Family Support screens.
Family Support Presenting Issue Field Added
This video looks at the addition of the Presenting Issue field to the Family Support intake screens in the JCMS. As we see an increase in family support programs being utilized prior to court involvement, programs have asked for a place to track why they are receiving referrals.
This short video looks at the new tab on the family support screens that will allow programs to enter and track referrals made to other programs and/or services for the youth and their family.
This video reviews the steps to adding contacts, classes, and scores in the family support screens in the JCMS under the tabs under the same name.
Update July 2018 - Contacts Tab
This video reviews the contact tab in the Family Support screens in the JCMS after an update to the screens was completed in July 2018. This update created a begin date and end date field for capturing contact with youth and families to allow for programs to aggregate contact information rather than entering each individual contact.
This video goes over entering information into the Mediation screens in the JCMS, specifically the tabs for Contacts, Conferencing, Reparation Agreement, and Follow-Up for the mediation case.
JCMS Training - Location of Contact
This video looks at the addition of a location field to the contact tab on the Mental Health screens in the JCMS. This field will help us track where the therapists are meeting the youth.
Update to Presenting Issue Field on Mental Health Screens
This video reviews the change in the Presenting Issue field on the intake section of the Mental Health screens in the JCMS, and why the change was made.
JCMS Training - Administrative Functions
This video reviews the steps to set the assessment types for the Mental Health screens in the JCMS through the Administrative Functions page. This allows programs to customize the drop-down menu to select the assessments they utilize in their programs.
JCMS Training - Contacts, Groups, and Scores
This video reviews the steps for entering data into the tabs on the Mental Health screens in JCMS for contacts, groups, and scores.
Update July 2018 - Contacts Tab
This video reviews an update to the Mental Health screens in the JCMS that went into the system in July 2018. This update added a field to track the number of occurrences that mental health providers are meeting with youth and/or families during a given time period.
This video reviews the new Wait List tab added to the Mentoring screens in the JCMS in January 2019.
This video reviews the steps to add mentors to youth profiles in JCMS, and then how to add activity fields/tabs to those mentors to document who the mentors are and the activities they engage in with the youth.
Youth-initiated Mentoring Potential Mentor Tab
This video goes over the steps and fields for entering a potential mentor as identified by a youth in JCMS.
Update to Promotion/Prevention Screens - Reason for Referral
This video goes over the changes to the Reason for Referral field on the Prevention/Promotion screens in the JCMS. This used to be a free text field, but it now a drop-down menu of categories for possible reasons for referral.
Promotion/Prevention Webinar Oct 12, 2018
The Nebraska Crime Commission and the Juvenile Justice Institute hosted a webinar that is required for those counties/tribes who currently fund prevention/promotion programs through the Community-based Juvenile Services Aid Program on Friday, October 12, 2018 from 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. CDT. This webinar is also required for those counties/tribes who plan to request funds for prevention/promotion programs through the 2019 grant application. The following individuals are required to attend:
• Project Director or Project Coordinator listed on the grant application
• Prevention/Promotion Program Coordinator
The purpose of this webinar is to provide guidance on the prevention/promotion brief and how to include this information in the 2019 grant application. This webinar was recorded so you can view it anytime if you’re unavailable during the live webinar. If your county/tribe does not plan on funding a prevention/promotion program, you do not need to attend/view this webinar.
You can view the brief referenced in the webinar here.
JCMS Screen Updates
This video looks at the new Scores tab added to the Prevention/Promotion screens in the JCMS in January 2019, and how the screens were changed in regard to these fields.
This video reviews the changes/enhancements to the prevention/promotion screens on September 28, 2018. This video looks at the fields in the new incentives tab on the Prevention/Promotion screens and how to complete these fields.
This video reviews the changes/enhancements to the prevention/promotion screens on March 21, 2018. These changes include: adding a discharge reason, changing the field "Hours Required to Attend" to "Total Hours Available", adding a field to track why a youth was not administered the Modified Risk and Protective Factors survey, and the creation of an activity tab to track more specifically what the youth are participating in during the program.
JCMS Data Entry
This video reviews the steps needed to add the program information the promotion/prevention screens in JCMS to capture the information about the program as well as how many hours the youth participated and their modified risk and protective factors survey scores.
This video goes over how to enter information into the JCMS for youth participating in an incentive program. Please note that this is only for programs who use their funding for the incentives (fee waivers, scholarships, etc.) and not for incentives received through another funded program type (like truancy).
JCMS Training for One-time/Direct Events
This video reviews the One-Time Events screens in the JCMS and how to add multiple One-Time Events to a youth's profile.
Update to Contacts Tab - Interventionist Screens
This video looks at an update to the field "Intervention Attempted" in the Contacts tab of the School-based Interventionist screens in the JCMS. This used to be a narrative/free text field, and it is now a drop-down menu.
This video goes over the steps to add activities to the activity tab created in the on the Afterschool screens in the JCMS in January 2019.
Entering SRO and Interventionist Contacts
This video goes over how to create contact tabs in JCMS to document the contact with youth working with school resource officers and interventionists.
Entering After School and Alternative School Attendance
This video goes over how to create attendance tabs in JCMS to document the youth's attendance in after school and alternative school programs.
Update July 2018 - Contacts and Attendance
This video reviews an update to the School-based screens in the JCMS which was completed in July 2018. This update added a field to track number of occurrences in the attendance tabs for After School and Alternative School programs, and the number of occurrences in the contacts tabs on the Interventionist and School Resource officer screens.
JCMS Updates
This video looks at the addition of three new options to the activity update drop-down field in the activity tab of the truancy screens in the JCMS - mediation, meeting with tracker, and family support. These options were added to capture the changes programs are making to services they are providing, allowing us to better capture what programs are doing.
This video discusses the addition of remote learning as a semester type in the truancy screens within the JCMS.
This video reviews the new field, Activity Update, that was added to the Truancy screens under the Activity tab in the JCMS.
A function was added to the JCMS on the truancy screens that allows information to be extracted from the parent/guardian tab and client profile that can be used to populate into a form letter. This function has been in the JCMS for the diversion programs already, so some programs may have used this function already. This video is longer than others as there are more steps involved - we go over how to create a form letter, how to export the data out of the JCMS, and how to merge the two documents together.
A new field was added to the truancy screens in the JCMS to identify which program staff is working with each youth so that communication regarding that youth can be directed toward the appropriate staff person.
In October 2019, a change was made to the Activity tab on the Truancy screens in the JCMS. This video discusses the change - adding a drop-down field to capture what kind of contact is occurring when program staff meets with youth, families, or other supports.
This video reviews the changes/enhancements to the truancy screens on March 21, 2018. These changes include: the addition of the fields "GPA", "School Attachment", and "Parental Involvement" to the intake section, creating a discharge section with discharge date and reason (previously on the screen) and adding "GPA" and "School Attachment" to the discharge section, adding "Primary Reason for Enrollment" and "Secondary Reason for Enrollment" to the intake section, and creating a "Post-Enrollment" tab to track attendance after the youth discharge from the program.
JCMS Data Entry
This video reviews the steps and process for moving a youth through different types of truancy programs (monitor, intervention, diversions) in JCMS.
This video goes over how to enter attendance data in the truancy screens.
Creating System Improvement Profiles in JCMS
This video goes over the steps to create system improvement profiles in the JCMS, and how to go back in and update information. Also discussed is that for each new reporting period a new system improvement profile needs to be created so as not to override information from previous quarters.
Training/Quality Improvement Screens
This video reviews the steps to completing the training/quality improvement screens in the system improvement profile in the JCMS.
This video reviews the steps to completing the evaluation screens in the system improvement profile in the JCMS.
This video reviews the steps to completing the administration screens in the system improvement profile in the JCMS.
This video reviews the steps to completing the community engagement screens in the system improvement profile in the JCMS.
This video reviews the steps to completing the data screens in the system improvement profile in the JCMS.
Community Planning Webinar
August 2020
This webinar assists programs with community planning. The training includes information on how to comprehensively plan and address specific community needs. The goal of the webinar is to simplify the planning and application process for communities.