JCMS Training Videos

Family Support

December 2023

Electronic Monitoring

December 2023


December 2023


December 2023


December 2023

Crisis Respite

December 2023

Crisis Response

December 2023


December 2023


December 2023

Program Logic Models

March 2023

This training will guide programs on how to make a program logic model. The training will help programs identify the core components of logic models, as well as identify data point opportunities within a program logic model.

Program Design and Program Variables Discussion

January 2023

This training will guide programs through the core components of effective program development using data to shape target population, goals, objectives, program activities, and more. This training will also discuss the results of the program data variables survey and facilitate discussion with participants on next steps. (1:59:46)

Programs Training Videos

JCMS New User Training 7/20/2021

This video is a training for programs new to reporting in the JCMS that covers the basics of data entry in the JCMS including entering youth data, creating narratives, and how to find existing training videos and other resources.

Gender Field Options - Updated

This video discusses the change to the option on the gender field in the client section of the JCMS in June 2021. We add the options "non-binary" to accommodate youth who don't identify as male or female, and "prefer not to say" for those who do not want to provide this information.

EB-NE Assessment Tool Tracking in the JCMS

This video looks at the new fields in the JCMS screens for the program types Mental Health, Promotion/Prevention, Mentoring, School Interventionists, and After School to track the EB-NE Assessment tool.

Domains for NYS and Arizona Assessment Tools

This video looks at the addition of subscales to the NYS and Arizona Assessment tools in the JCMS scores/assessment tabs This will help with evaluation of case plans and programming based on the risk-need-responsivity model. This will impact Diversion and Assessment program types.

UPDATE On May 20, 2021 the NYS and Arizona Assessments were updated to include the domain each question speaks to (substance use, peer relationships, etc.) to make it easier to case plan based on assessment outcomes.

Boys Town and JJI Assessment Tool Training - August 2020

This video covers information about measuring pre and post changes for CBA-funded programs using a tool developed by Boys Town and the JJI. The PDF after this link contains frequently asked questions about this new tool.

JCMS New User Training - July 2020

This video covers training information about using JCMS for new users. You can view the PowerPoint slides in this document.

Age Validation Pop-up

There is a warning box that will now pop up if the date of birth and date of referral result in an age older than 25 or younger than 6 years old.  This is to help catch the typos that often wind up making youth appear as being 0 or 1 in the database.

Interpreter Fields

Two fields were added to the JCMS intake section for all program types (except Referral Services) to indicate whether an interpreter is needed for the youth and/or family, and if so, what language is spoken.

Narrative Field for Youth Served

A new field was added to the Grant Administration (narrative) screens in the JCMS to allow programs to indicate if they took new referrals or not during that time frame. This field will also allow programs to indicate whether they served youth, which will help JJI and the NCC quickly know if data should be showing up in the JCMS.

Returning Clients in the JCMS (video)
Text Tutorial

There is a change in the JCMS on how to enter youth who are returning to a program a subsequent time. Previously there had been an "Add Case to the Client" function but this has been removed, so a new process is in place which is detailed in this video.

Check Box Changes in the JCMS

Within the JCMS, various screens have check boxes to indicate components of a youth’s intake profile or who attended/participated in sessions, meetings, or contacts with the youth. In October 2019, these check boxes were updated to make it easier to determine if the answer is no/none or if the check boxes were inadvertently not checked.

A check box labeled “none” was added to the following screens:

  • Assessment - the assessment tab, for collateral contacts

  • Crisis Response - crisis response section, who was involved in presenting situation

  • Crisis Respite - crisis respite section, youth participated in (activities)

  • Family Support - contacts tab, attendees

  • Mediation - youth/victim conference tab, attendees

  • School Interventionists - contacts tab, attendees

  • School Resource Officers - contacts tab, attendees

Check boxes were turned into yes/no drop-down menus on the following screens:

  • Diversion - intake section for: teen court, crossover, petition filed

  • Diversion - alcohol/drug test section, for baseline/medicated

  • Alternative Schools - intake section, for IEP

Missing Data Report User Guide

This user guide for missing data reports explains what the reports are and why we send them out. It answers frequently-asked questions and shows how to read the reports using screenshots.

Training Webinars:

April 9, 2019
April 18, 2019

These videos are recordings of trainings held via Zoom on April 9 and April 18, 2019, to review the missing data reports (formerly known as anomaly reports) that the JJI sends to programs every quarter to help identify missing data in the JCMS. This training covered why we have these reports sent out each quarter, how to read them, and the answers to some common questions we get each quarter. Both videos have roughly the same information, but programs asked different questions, so both videos are available for viewing.

March 2019 Update

Demographics Report for County Leads

This video goes over the Demographic Report for County Leads that was added to the JCMS in March 2019 - the steps to pull the report from the system, and what data you can expect to see in the report.

January 2019 Update

Search Screen

This video looks at the search screens in the JCMS and the change from using "Intake Date" to "Referral Date" on the screens.

Scores Tabs

This video looks at an update to the scores tabs on the following screens: Truancy, Family Support, Mental Health, Diversion, Electronic Monitor, Tracker Services, Reporting Center, and Shelter.  There was a field added so that programs could indicate if a youth was assessed or not while in the program, or if they refused, to help clarify why some scores information is not entered for youth while it is for others.

UA/Drug Screen Tabs

This video looks at an update to the UA Screens tabs on the ATD screens (Electronic Monitor, Tracker Services, Reporting Center, and Shelter Care) as well as the Drug/Alcohol Tests tab on the diversion screens. A new field was added to indicate if a youth was administered a drug test while in the program to help clarify why some fields are left blank while others are filled in.

September 2018 Update

Client ID Field

This video looks at the client id field added to the JCMS - the client id is a unique number assigned to a client by the JCMS when the client is created. It is now visible and searchable (cannot be edited) which will allow for easier communication between programs, JJI, and the Crime Commission regarding specific cases and data questions.

Required Variables

This video talks about required variables and how the JCMS has these marked - asterisks and fields that turn red if not completed. A list of the required variables can be found here at the Crime Commission’s website.

July 2018 Update - county of residence field

This video reviews an update to the intake section of the JCMS screens which was completed in July 2018.  This update created a "County of Residence" field within the address information on all screens except one-time events and referral services.  This field is used to record the county that the youth lives in as youth may be going to different counties for services, especially in communities where multiple counties work together on the grant.

Adding Cases to Existing Clients

This video discusses how to add a case to an existing client in JCMS when the youth is in more than one program or returns to a program after being discharged.

Avoiding Duplicate Youth

This video shows steps to take to avoid duplicate youth being created in the system, and also how the system will notify you - the message that comes up - if you try to enter a duplicate youth.

Certifying Data for County/Tribe Leads

This video goes over the steps for county/tribe leads to certify the aggregate referral and discharge data for all programs funded under their county/tribe CBA grant.

Certifying Narratives for County/Tribe Leads

This video goes over the steps for county/tribe leads to certify the narratives for all programs funded under their county/tribe CBA grant.

Creating Narratives

This video details the process for creating, saving, and submitting a narrative for quarterly reporting in the JCMS.

Data Entry in JCMS - Intake Fields

This video will discuss data entry in JCMS as it pertains to the common fields across program types (address, school name, etc), including what a field turning red means, how to know that your data is saving if there is no save or submit button, and other frequently asked questions about JCMS data entry.  This video is not program specific, meaning the information can be applied to all program types.

Deleting Cases in the JCMS (video)
Text Tutorial

This video goes over the steps to delete incorrectly entered case types from youth profiles in the JCMS, and the steps to delete a youth profile in the JCMS.   Profiles should only be deleted if they are a duplicate youth in the system or were entered in error.  Case types should only be deleted if they were incorrectly selected from the menu (you intended to select a different program type from the menu).  If you are not sure if a case or profile should be deleted from the JCMS, please contact JJI. For information on deleting diversion cases, please see the video on the diversion page.

Discharging Youth in JCMS

This video reviews the steps to discharge a youth in the JCMS and explains the importance of providing the discharge date and reason.

Entering New Clients

This video reviews the steps needed to create and enter a new youth in the JCMS.

Pivot Tables in Excel from Reports

This video reviews the steps to use downloaded reports from JCMS to create pivot tables in order to help manage data.

Running Reports

This video reviews the steps to run Currently Open, Currently Closed, and Case Summary by Date reports in JCMS and how to download them to Excel spreadsheets.

Sorting in the JCMS Search Screens

This video reviews the JCMS search screen and some changes made to the search screen on May 21, 2018. These changes are the addition of the enrollment date field being available on the search screen, and a bug with the sorting function being resolved. Users can now sort by name, program type, date of birth, enrollment date, intake date, and discharge date.

Sorting Reports in Excel

This video reviews the steps to use Excel spreadsheets to review reports downloaded from JCMS.

Uploading Files

This video reviews the steps to upload a quarterly reporting spreadsheet into JCMS for System Improvement, Mediation & Restorative Justice, and Incentive Programs.

Using Wildcards to Search for Hyphenated Names

This video goes over the user of wildcards (*) to search in the JCMS. A change was made to the system on May 21, 2018, which uses the wildcard to help search for hyphenated last names. Previously, typing in the second name in the hyphenated name would not pull the youth into the search results. Now, placing a wildcard before or after the second name will bring the youth into the search results.

JCMS Data Entry Training Modules

Below are several training modules for the Juvenile Case Management System (JCMS) created in the fall of 2021. The goal of these modules is to increase training on specific areas in the JCMS that were deemed problematic during the Data Fidelity project conducted in fiscal year 2020/2021. There are also some modules based on questions we are frequently asked about data entry and the JCMS.

These videos are a little longer than the other training videos that JJI has released for the JCMS, but cover more ground. There are videos that will apply to all screens in the JCMS, and some relate to specific screens. All videos have five questions to answer after watching the video and you will be provided a score at the end. You can retake the questions as many times as you would like; if you get a four or a five we will send you a certificate of training completion. If you are not able to complete a training in one sitting and have difficulty starting it again, please reach out to the JJI at unojji@unomaha.edu for assistance.

Why we do what we do - an overview of the project and why we ask for specific variables (23:54)

General JCMS and FAQs - answers to the questions we get asked the most (11:45)

Deleting in the JCMS - how to delete in the JCMS (12:24)

EB-NE Website - navigating the EB-NE website and what resources are available (16:04)

Picking Assessment and Referrals - how mental health, diversion, family support, assessment, and referral services programs can select assessments and referrals to populate in their screens (7:11)

Afterschool tabs - review of the tabs on the afterschool screens (11:30)

Alternative School tabs - review of the tabs on the alternative school screens (9:05)

Assessment tabs - review of the tabs on the assessment screens (20:41)

Diversion tabs - review of the tabs on the diversion screens (31:15)

Electronic Monitor tabs - review of the tabs on the electronic monitor screens (20:52)

Family Support tabs - review of the tabs on the family support screens (24:40)

Mediation tabs - review of the tabs on the mediation screens (14:16)

Mental Health tabs - review of the tabs on the mental health screens (16:29)

Mentoring tabs - review of the tabs on the mentoring screens (16:50)

Promotion/Prevention tabs - review of the tabs on the promotion/prevention screens (20:26)

Referral Services tabs - review of the tabs on the referral services screens (11:31)

Reporting Center tabs - review of the tabs on the reporting center screens (19:46)

School-based Interventionist tabs - review of the tabs on the school-based interventionist screens (12:04)

Shelter Care tabs - review of the tabs on the shelter care screens (23:15)

System Improvement - review of the system improvement screens (11:40)

Tracker Services/Community Youth Coaching tabs - review of the tabs on the tracker services/community youth coaching tabs (20:00)

Truancy tabs - review of the tabs on the truancy screens (23:27)

Community Planning Webinar

August 2020

This webinar assists programs with community planning. The training includes information on how to comprehensively plan and address specific community needs. The goal of the webinar is to simplify the planning and application process for communities.